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Universitas Trisakti Islamic Economics doctoral results seminar exam session 29 July 2024
On July 29 2024, Promovenda Diba Anggraini A and Sulistyowati completed the seminar exam results smoothly and were declared passed, with these results the next step was disertation 1 and 2 exam. Once again, congratulations to Promovenda Diba Anggraini A and Sulistyowati. We hope that the results of this seminar trial can be a trigger and motivation to quickly complete their research well and produce research that can be useful for the homeland, nation and religion, especially for economics and Islamic finance. The research carried out by the two doctoral candidates from the Trisakti University Islamic Economics and Finance (IEF) doctoral program will be a very significant contribution to academics, Islamic economics and finance science, regulators and at the same time for practitioners. Universitas Trisakti doctoral degree in Islamic economics and finance (IEF) has produced 188 doctoral graduates and this doctoral program is a pioneer in human resource development, since it was first established by the late Prof. Dr. Sofyan S. Harahap.